20:00      1  2012-11-27 15:59 Europe/Stockholm
9/11- former U.S. Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney on the Seeking the Truth conference
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2020-05-02 21:57
To understand what todays coronavirus 'pandemic' are, you first have to understand what this brave congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, is talking about... because there is a very clear connection between this two things, and that is the suppress of truth.

Shove Your Covid Up Your Arse
2021-02-22 20:02
Think, before it's to late...

  2021-02-21 10:04
Ain't It Time We Say Goodbye...
Coronavirus... where will you lead us from here?
With no loving in our souls... and no money in our coats

1    2021-01-19 20:03
1  2021-01-02 11:05
A short report from Sweden regarding covid-19 - 3
There is no first, second or any other wave of covid-19... the only wave is in your mind

  2020-11-16 20:00
A short report from Sweden regarding covid-19 - 2
Yesterday the corrupt (because they not work for you and me, they work for those with a 'lot' of money) Swedish politicians announced that t..
1    2020-09-10 09:52
A short report from Sweden regarding covid-19 - 1

  2020-08-26 09:26
Arrest the criminals before they arrest you
It's time to arrest the criminals that are behind this plandemic and that also include the people (politicians and so called experts) in your coun..
  2020-08-22 20:18
IB - hemligare än Säpo
Om IB-affären 1973. Två unga journalister, Peter Bratt och Jan Guillou, avslöjar en okänd spionorganisation som makten dolt, IB e..
→  2020-02-04 22:02
Inti Peredo kräver att få återgå i tjänst
Inti Peredo, den antisemitanklagade överläkaren som omplacerades av Karolinskas sjukhusledning, kräver att beslutet upphävs och at..
1  →  2019-11-08 09:26
Trumps hot om vinskatt
Frankrikes nya skatt på digitala tjänster har fått den amerikanske presidenten att hota med att beskatta franskt vin.


→  2019-07-29 18:49
Elitorganisationen som Annie Lööf talar tyst om
Organisationen bildades för 45 år sedan av bland annat David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger och Zbigniew Brzezinski. Man ville samla “..
2  →  2018-12-01 23:57
FN korruption
Tillsammans med internationella medier kan Uppdrag granskning nu avslöja att FN:s ledning mörkat avgörande information – som peka..
→  1  2018-11-28 21:10
2016-06-28 01:41
Anonymous readies for global day of action
Tens of thousands of activists disguised as Guy Fawkes are expected to the flood streets of over 671 cities as the Anonymous-led Million Mask March sw..
→  2015-11-05 13:12
Notice Anything?
2015-09-11 20:13
The Deadly Cost of Fashion
A photojournalist who covered last year’s deadly collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh draws connections to New York from clothing l..
  2014-04-30 22:47
state corruption through satire
  2013-01-06 13:02
9/11- former U.S. Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney on the Seeking the Truth conference
 20:00  1  2012-11-27 15:59
Occupy Wall Street: Surviving the Winter
  2012-03-28 10:12
Authoritarian Capitalism
  2012-01-16 18:24
  1  2011-12-26 12:03
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