Road To Hell...

  2021-02-13 20:56
Ain't It Time We Say Goodbye...
Coronavirus... where will you lead us from here?
With no loving in our souls... and no money in our coats

1    2021-01-19 20:03
Question everything you think you know. Take the Nightlife track...

  2021-01-09 22:36
Where are we heading...
Question everything you think you know. Take the Travel track...

  2021-01-09 12:00
Private dancer...
Question everything you think you know. Take the Nightlife track...

  2021-01-08 23:03
1  2021-01-02 11:05
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless
Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose.


  1  DOC  2020-12-27 17:03
A short report from Sweden regarding covid-19 - 3
There is no first, second or any other wave of covid-19... the only wave is in your mind

  2020-11-16 20:00
A short report from Sweden regarding covid-19 - 2
Yesterday the corrupt (because they not work for you and me, they work for those with a 'lot' of money) Swedish politicians announced that t..
1    2020-09-10 09:52
A short report from Sweden regarding covid-19 - 1

  2020-08-26 09:26
Arrest the criminals before they arrest you
It's time to arrest the criminals that are behind this plandemic and that also include the people (politicians and so called experts) in your coun..
  2020-08-22 20:18
Why I don't take any vaccine
Anybody who take, or want their child, take any vaccine injection are manipulated by big pharma interests, who want to make big money. If you just tok..
  2020-06-22 13:46
Push (Only from Sweden to 14/6 2020)
Att bo i världens städer blir allt dyrare. Medelklassen och fattiga har inte råd att bo kvar. Unga är chanslösa på bos..
→  2020-01-19 18:58
Processerna mot Google, Facebook, Amazon och Apple
Myndigheter världen över spänner musklerna mot de amerikanska it-jättarna. Både i Europa och USA pågår eller inl..
→  2019-09-28 13:47
Notice Anything?
2015-09-11 20:13
9/11- former U.S. Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney on the Seeking the Truth conference
 20:00  1  2012-11-27 15:59
You are all affected by Colonialism
  2012-07-25 11:17
Occupy Wall Street: Surviving the Winter
  2012-03-28 10:12
  1  2011-12-26 12:03
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