Think, before it's to late...

  2021-02-21 10:04
Where are we heading...
Question everything you think you know. Take the Travel track...

  2021-01-09 12:00
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless
Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose.

  1  DOC  2020-12-27 17:03
Malmö, August 2020
2020-09-13 08:46
A short report from Sweden regarding covid-19 - 2
Yesterday the corrupt (because they not work for you and me, they work for those with a 'lot' of money) Swedish politicians announced that t..
1    2020-09-10 09:52
Free Yourself From Mind Control

  2020-07-02 13:17
Are you in control of your life?
Maybe you think that your thought's and opinions are from what you would say, you?
Then you are one of the lucky 5%, approximately, that ha..

1    2020-05-31 14:20
Snabba fakta - Döda i Sverige
Under 2000-talet har ungefär 90 000 personer dött varje år, med en topp år 2002 då drygt 95 000 avled. År 2019 dog f..
→  2020-04-01 20:36
Inti Peredo kräver att få återgå i tjänst
Inti Peredo, den antisemitanklagade överläkaren som omplacerades av Karolinskas sjukhusledning, kräver att beslutet upphävs och at..
1  →  2019-11-08 09:26
Social media for spying and propaganda
  2012-02-18 17:46
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