  →  1  2020-04-30 18:31 Europe/Stockholm

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Call for inclusive policy as suicide attempts rise
The DMH database shows that the total number if suicide cases between 20 March and 25 April 2020 is 3 times higher than the same period in 2019 (605 to 191).

Previously, the researchers suggested that the government should be aware of the suicide situation aggravated by inefficient and insufficient social security policies. It suggested an emergency hotline for those in dire situations so that the authorities can grant immediate help.
2020-04-30 18:49
"Dr Kiatipoom Wongrajit, Director-General of the Department of Mental Health (DMH), responded to the research team’s first statement by pointing out that the reason for a person committing suicide is a complex matter. So data collected solely from news clippings cannot truly represent the actual situation. "

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